Program of Studies 2020


Reading Freud

This one year course offers a detailed introduction to the work of Sigmund Freud, with a thorough reading and discussion of Freud’s most important writings. Subjects to be covered include the discovery of the unconscious and infantile sexuality; topographical and structural models of the mind; dreams and their interpretation; female sexuality and sexual difference; the case histories; and papers on technique and the process of psychoanalysis.

The seminar runs over 4 terms of 8 weeks each. Participants are expected to enrol for the whole year. No previous experience is required.

Seminar leaders include Mary O’Brien, Dr Thea van Hees, Bernadette Rosbrook, Sigrid O’Callaghan, Dr Jaime Yasky and Dr Yaser Baqir.

Term 1: An Introduction to Psychoanalysis

In this term we will begin with Freud’s ‘discovery’ of the unconscious through his work with Breuer in the treatment of hysterics in the 1890s and the interpretation of dreams, including his own.

Time:              Monday          6.30pm – 8.00pm

Dates:             10 February to 30 March

Fees:              $400 per term

For enrolment and further information contact the seminar leaders:

Mary O’Brien        or call 0418 734 746

Bernadette Rosbrook


Term 2: Freud and the development of the Psychoanalytic method

In this term we will read key technical papers to accompany Freud through the initial development of his Psychoanalytic method, the attempts he made to innovate technique, and the mature view he gained at later stages of his work. Based on this we will discuss applicability of these ideas in contemporary practice.

Time:              Monday          6.30pm – 8.00pm

Dates:             27 April to 15 June

Fees:              $400 per term

For enrolment and further information contact the seminar leader:

Dr Jaime Yasky or call 0468 571 140


Term 3: Theories on Sexuality and ‘Little Hans’

In this term we will examine Freud’s early theories of sexuality beginning with the Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905) and the case of ‘Little Hans’ Analysis of a Phobia in a Five Year Old Boy (1909) and move onto the controversial papers on female sexuality of the 1920’s and early 1930’s – Some Psychical consequences of the Anatomical Distinction between the Sexes (1925) and Female Sexuality (1931).

Time:              Monday          6.30pm – 8.00pm

Dates:             13 July to 31 August

Fees:              $400 per term

For enrolment and further information contact the seminar leaders:

Mary O’Brien        or call 0418 734 746

Bernadette Rosbrook


Term 4: Reading Freud from a contemporary perspective

In this term we will be attempting to put Freud’s writings into a contemporary context while also continuing with some further readings viz Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria (Dora), Beyond the Pleasure Principle and The Ego and the Id. In the latter paper Freud changed the model of the mind from the topographical to the structural.

Time:              Monday          6.30pm – 8.00pm

Dates:             28 September to 23 November

Fees:              $400 per term

For enrolment and further information contact the seminar leaders:

Dr Thea van Hees or call 07 3832 1096

Sigrid O’Callaghan



Clinical seminars for developing psychoanalytic psychotherapists

This seminar runs over 4 terms of 8 weeks each. Priority will be given to participants who enrol for the whole year.

The practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a complex and demanding project. We become a psychotherapist through personal experience, training and clinical encounters. A clinical seminar with other developing psychotherapists (4-5 people), led by an experienced psychoanalytic psychotherapist, helps to consolidate these experiences. The major focus will be on current clinical practice but will also include some reading and discussion about key issues in psychotherapy practice.

Participants are likely to be mental health clinicians who are using, or want to develop the capacity to use, psychoanalytic approaches to psychotherapy.

You may attend in person in West End, Brisbane or attend using Zoom.

Seminar leader: Tom O’Brien

Time: Wednesday 10.45 -12pm

Commences: February 2020

Fees: $490 per term

For enrolment and further information contact: or call 0419 735 366


Using psychoanalytic thinking in our work

This seminar runs over 4 terms of 8 weeks each. Priority will be given to participants who enrol for the whole year.

Working in public mental health, other health services and NGOs is challenging. Psychoanalytic thinking about how to work with people who experience suffering, trauma and complex personal interactions can assist you to work in thoughtful, respectful and effective practice. Sharing the pleasures and challenges of this work with a small group of others doing similar work can be a valuable developmental experience. Our major focus will be on current practice but will also include some reading and discussion about key issues.

Participants are likely to be working in NGO’s, public mental health and other public health services.

You may attend in person in West End, Brisbane or attend using Zoom.

Seminar leader: Tom O’Brien

Time: Wednesday 9.15am – 10.30am

Commences: February 2020

Fees: $450 per term

For enrolment and further information contact: or call 0419 735 366


Term 3: The Mind and the Brain

Seminar Leaders:  Dr Thea van Hees and Dr Yaser Baqir

This is a course of 8 weekly seminars that will be based on the book by Ronald Britton, Between Mind and Brain: Models of the mind and Models in the Mind. These readings will show how the unconscious has become central to the growth of the mind through a capacity for symbolic thought and processing emotional states. Britton also creates a bridge to theories originating in neuroscience. This is an extremely thought provoking book. It is integrative and presents complex ideas in a very clear and accessible way.

Time:              Thursday 6.30pm – 8.00pm (exact dates to be confirmed)

Fees:              $ 400 per term

For enrolment and further information contact:

Dr Thea van Hees or call 07 3832 1096

Dr Yaser Baqir or call 0438 990 201

Term 4: Working with difficult presentations in adolescence

Seminar Leader: Jaime Yasky

This is an 8-week seminar course that will touch on different authors to examine several critical clinical presentations in adolescent contemporary practice such as anorexia, gender dysphoria, deliberate self-harm, substance abuse and suicide attempts. The aim is to provide conceptual tools to have the opportunity to discuss relevant clinical and work related material.

Time:               Day to be decided      6.30pm – 8.00pm

Dates:             Week of the 28 September to week of the 23 November

Fees:               $400 per term

For enrolment and further information contact:

Dr Jaime Yasky or call 0468 571 140


Infant Observation

Seminar Leader:     Margot Lynch

This is a one or two year course of weekly seminars where participants bring detailed accounts of their weekly observations of an infant in his or her home environment from birth onwards.  The course aims to develop observational skills and an understanding of the infant’s emerging relationships.  This course is one of the best ways of learning about the observer’s own involvement in clinical situations.

This is an ongoing weekly seminar of 11/4 hours. Participants are expected to enrol for at least one year. There is no prerequisite for this course. There will be a maximum of 4 participants in this seminar.

Fees:              $50 per seminar 

Time:              To be arranged with the seminar leader.

For enrolment and further information contact:

Margot Lynch    or call 0407 137 105